A rise in the nominal rate is likely to be preferable from the view point of both China and the rest of the world, but a rising real exchange rate by either route will pose problems, particularly for the US. 从中国和全球其它地区的角度看,名义汇率的上升可能是可取的,但无论哪种方式导致的实际汇率上升都会带来问题,对美国来说尤其如此。
Totally, renminbi nominal exchange and real rate of exchange since 1980 has been on the trend of depreciation. 总体上看,人民币名义汇率和实际汇率自1980年以来基本呈持续贬值。
This paper compares the simulated exchange rate value with our country's current nominal exchange rate vale and draws the conclusion that the basket of currencies exchange system is of advantage. 把模拟汇率值与我国目前的名义汇率值相比较,得出一篮子汇率制的优势。
Iscussing` China's inflation conduction system under the condition of opening economy, this article points out that the intemational adjustment to balance of intemational payments featuring a stable nominal exchange rate combined with compulsory settlement of exchange gives an impetus to self-accumulation of inflation. 本文讨论了我国在开放经济下通货膨胀的货币传导途径,指出以稳定名义汇率和强制结售汇制度为特征的国际收支调节政策对通货膨胀自我积累的推进作用;
Nominal Rate of RMB and the Theory of the Actual Exchange Rate and Real Example Analysis 人民币名义汇率与实际汇率的理论及实证分析
A real exchange rate is a nominal exchange rate eliminating the variation of prices. Its change reflects the influence of the nominal exchange rate's adjusting on the price competitive ability of foreign trade goods, and the influence on foreign trade. 实际汇率是在名义汇率的基础上剔除了各国物价变动因素后的汇率,实际汇率的变动反映名义汇率调整与价格变动对贸易商品价格竞争力的净影响,进而影响对外贸易。
It is generally accepted in the foreign academy that nominal exchange rate has greater regulating influence on the capital account than on the balance of trade, and it is the real effective exchange rate that really determined the state of balance of trade. 国外理论界普遍认为,名义汇率对资本项目具有较大的调节作用,但对贸易收支的调节作用并不明显,真正决定贸易收支均衡状况的是实际有效汇率。
The long-term relationship shows that 1% changes of the nominal effective exchange rate will lead to 0.49% changes of the imported goods price index, hence the exchange rate pass-through is not fully passed. 长期关系表明名义有效汇率单位百分比的变化会导致进口商品价格指数0.49%,从而表明汇率是不完全传递的。